A space to honor and cherish
a son, brother and father.

A space to share
with his children, Lucas & Nikola;
what happened to their family.

A space created to honor
our family's experiences,
and the lives we lead today
without Kindyn, Lucas & Niko.
The Future is Now

"Let The Future Tell The Truth" 
~Nikola Tesla

Forever Family


Kindyn Rheed Jinkins

Son, Brother and Father to Lucas & Niko

✨Kindyn’s Legacy

Kindyn’s legacy lives on through his act of generosity as an organ donor, bringing hope and new life to those in need. His selfless gift has made a lasting impact, touching the lives of others in profound ways. He is forever a guiding light.


This represents our lives.
The good, the bad, and the heartbreaking.
It contains our personal accounts, experiences, and reflections.
Documentation, photos, and names will be shared to provide evidence and or context.

We ask you to follow with understanding: this space may be triggering for those with similar experiences, and while it is open to all, it is not intended for everyone. If the content resonates painfully, please consider if reading further is the right choice for you.

Our purpose is to share honestly, offer comfort, and unite with others who have been silenced by fear or shame. We refuse to let fear quiet our story, and we offer our truth to bring solidarity to all who may find strength in it. Faith, Broken Faith, and Renewed Stronger Faith What doesn’t kill you ... definitely changes you.